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Transformative Leadership Training

OUR FIRST PRIORITY -- is to train and develop teams at all levels (Owners, Executives, Coaches, and Players). When training needs are identified and gaps are present, our firm will seek to collaborate League Executives, Team Owners and Community Stakeholders to provide a comprehensive approach to address these areas. 


  • Players and Coaches in crisis can lead to suspension; imposed by the team or league. 

  • Suspensions that disconnects individuals from the organization can lead to major and minor acts of crime in the community.

  • Players that are not properly trained to navigate crisis, can lead to repeat behavior and likely to a wayward lifestyle with little direction.

Disclaimer: Results of student success and overall improvement will vary and are tailored based on a myriad of factors that impact learning and comprehension.
Crisis Management

Sensitivity Training

Sexual Assault

Sexual Harassment

Domestic Violence

Gender Harassment

Suicide Prevention

Financial Awareness

Saving For Tomorrow

Understand Your Wealth

Living Within Your Means 

Self Awareness

Cultural Awareness

Disclosure of Wrongful Conduct

Keeping Yourself Grounded

How to Create a Circle of Trust


Social Skills

Eliminating Drama

Social Media

Respecting Myself and Others

​Conflict & Alternative Dispute Resolutions

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